Natural, relaxed family photography in Bristol
Natural Family Photographer
Natural, candid, relaxed photography is important to me. When I photograph families I always try to start at home and we always end up photographing outdoors, whatever the weather! As long as we're all prepared, we can still take beautiful photographs. They're fun, relaxed and mostly lead by you with just enough direction from me to capture your family in the best way.
My family sessions start from £150.
Fill in my enquiry form and I'll give you a call back to talk you through the options.

I like to think I do my family photography a little differently. I believe Family Photography isn't just for the little ones. I do love their squidgy cheeks and hilarious one liners but photography is used to document and we should document every stage of our family life.
I make a conscious effort to make every member of the family exist in photographs. Mumma's it is time to stop hiding, time to stop being the one who takes the pictures but is never in them.
No excuses, none of this 'I'm not photogenic' you've simply never been photographed in a way that suits you. Give me a chance to show you how wonderful you can look in photos.
I believe it's important to exist in photographs at every stage of your life. I want to more family photographs being printed, more families hiring photographers not just for newborns or birthdays but just because the family has changed. I want to see parents in photographs rather than behind the camera.. I want to see more family photographs where no one is missing because they don't like having their photograph taken. I understand why less of these photographs exist, I have avoided the camera myself. We get hang ups about ourselves and we forget to love ourselves for who we are not what we look like.
Hire a photographer to help you create the photographs that are more than that.
Let me use photography and the experience of a hiring a professional photographer to help you on your journey to loving yourself again.

Fun, Honest & relaxed
My family is my whole world, we spend a lot of time together and naturally, I take photographs of every moment...Storing them up to use them to be used for soppy posts on facebook, embarrassing birthday cards and to remind them of that one bad outfit that I will never let them forget. I've got photographs of my Dad returning from one of his many adventures, sometimes looking skinny as a rake from walking, other times he's stuffed himself full of those little Portuguese custard tarts. I have photographs of my Nanny laughing hysterically with chicken juice all around her mouth. These aren't beautiful moments but they're memories captured in a solid state for me to cherish forever. It's my mission to make sure everyone else has their family documented exactly as they are. Their personalities shining through.
"Families are like branches on a tree, we grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one."
get in touch
Fill in the enquiry form and I'll get back to you within 48 hours. If I haven't replied, please don't put me on the naughty step... check your junk emails, my reply might be in there.